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Two hundred and fifteen pairs of children's shoes. Two hundred and fifteen stuffed animals. And two hundred and fifteen wooden crosses lined the front steps of the BC Parliament Buildings today. All in honour of the two hundred and fifteen indigenous children whose bodies were found in a mass grave at a former residential school in Kamloops, BC last week. Across the front lawns and in Victoria's inner harbour, three canoes filled with twelve Nations paddled their way towards a large crowd of orange shirts as drumbeats and song were heard in the background. These are the heartbreaking moments I never wish to cover again. More than ever, this is a time that we need to take a step back and unlearn our unconscious biases. We need to commit ourselves to a lot more research and learning. Not just this week, but for the rest of our lives. All my Relations.
Taken By
Jack Adamson
Taken On
June 8, 2021
indigenous kamloops boat vehicle transportation person human
  • Focal: 70
  • Lens Model: E 70-180mm F2.8 A056
  • Shutter speed: 0.00025 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 10

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